{{platform_name}} Delegate Verifier


Delegate Verifier offers an automated and objective solution to rate a delegate's performance based on the information available in the blockchain. It offers various checks, such as comparing a delegate's promised payout to their actual payout, and awards trustworthy delegates a seal of quality. For active participants, the Delegate Verifier presents a DPoS token holder with a powerful starting point for tracking payouts and delegate trustworthiness.

Things to consider when reviewing the shares:

We have put in a lot of effort to make our calculations as accurate as possible, but for all the reasons above.. DO NOT use this tool as a single source of truth, but rather as a powerful starting point! By all means, investigate for yourself and discuss results with the community.

If you have any feedback please inform a Dutch Pool team member.
You can find our contact details on dutchpool.io.

Is this tool useful to you? Consider us for your vote, more info at {{platform_id}}.dutchpool.io.

The share is calculated over the below period:

Period: {{period_start|date}} - {{last_update|date}}

New forger Perfect
Voted Okay
Rank Delegate Share {{column.name}} Diff Weighed reward Uptime (all) Uptime (7d) Version Also on IP
#{{del.position}} {{del.name}}
{{del.percentage}}{{del.perct_is_text ? '' : '%'}} {{del[column.id]}}{{del[column.id_is_text] ? '' : '%'}} {{del.difference > 0 ? '+' : ''}}{{del.difference}}{{del.difference_is_text ? '' : '%'}} {{del.rewardsAWeek}} {{del.productivity_all}}{{del.productivity_all_is_text ? '' : '%'}} {{del.productivity_7d}}{{del.productivity_7d_is_text ? '' : '%'}} {{del.node_version}} {{del.also_on_ip.length}}

Non forging delegates

Rank Delegate Share {{column.name}} Approval
#{{del.position}}{{del.name}} {{del.percentage}} {{del[column.id]}}{{del[column.id_is_text] ? '' : '%'}} {{del.approval}}%